My name is Filip Novotný and I'm currently in my senior year of grammar school located in Prague (Gymnázium Na Zatlance in Czech). Yet I spent most of my high-school studies at grammar school in Jihlava. Recently I moved to Prague to spend more time on the internship at the Astronomical Institute of the CAS and take classes at the Faculty of Maths and Physics of the Charles University. To support myself financially, I had to get a job, so currently I am working part-time as a data scientist and an AI researcher in a start-up, Datamole. Another important milestone (my freshman year of high school) was the beginning of my internship at the Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences where I have been developing automated software for variable stars detection (I have discovered 22 variable stars so far). With my research at the CAS, I have participated in international conferences and student competitions, where it received an ‘Outstanding achievement in the category of Computer Science’ award from Intel and an award of the dean of FNSPE CTU. Astronomical Society. Another great success was when I was invited to the CTY Summer School 2017 at Princeton University, where I improved my English skills - thanks to all these experiences I was chosen for a 3-week HSSIP program in CERN, where I worked on the project “Quarkonium resonances detection in di-muon spectra” - combined with excursions in the cutting-edge research centres, it was one of the greatest moments in my life. But life is not only about receiving, but also giving back. I am currently volunteering as a former participant in a project Expedition Mars - its goal is to support the interest of students in STEM – we are helping them work on their first scientific projects, later allowing them to build their own experiments that will be sent on a stratospheric balloon.