Most consider digitalization to be a top priority for the further development of Czech society. Recent months have highlighted the importance of our digital transformation, putting it at the forefront of the public interest. After switching on to a distance learning education system, schools at all levels began to seek innovative and effective solutions leveraging online teaching. However, experts warn that digitization often takes place spontaneously and that a so-called digital divide is emerging, resulting in deepening inequalities in access to quality education.
As noted by Zdeněk Bakala, when cementing the partnership between the
Bakala Foundation and the non-profit organization
"This current unprecedented situation can be perceived as an obstacle or as a catalyst. We should not waste resources on rebuilding society as we know it from the past, but rather invest in its transformation for the future. Digitalization is undoubtedly a key path to restarting the Czech economy and society and bring them to a more advanced level."
As part of the partnership, the
Bakala Foundation has donated 4 million CZK for the development of
Česko.Digital and for the support of two key projects.
"Učíme online" (Teaching online) is a systematic project focused on the digitalization of Czech education and
"Střecha duševního zdraví" (Roof over mental health) is a gradually moving project dedicated to children's mental health.